Wednesday, January 12, 2011

5 Foods to Eat to Lower Cholesterol

Keeping your cholesterol in check can be difficult when schedules are tights and delicious food is plentiful. When you receive notice from your doctor that you have high cholesterol what can you do? Do you have the time to start exercising? Are you able to give up your favorite meals? A simple method to ease yourself into a habit of healthy behavior is to add healthy foods first and slowly weaning yourself off of the unhealthy ones. There are several super foods you can begin adding to your diet today that will begin to improve your cholesterol levels within the next few weeks.

1. Oatmeal, Bran, or High Fiber Foods
These foods are high in soluble fiber, one of two categories of fiber that helps reduce low density cholesterol or the 'bad cholesterol'. If you're used to eating a huge breakfast of eggs, toast, bacon, pancakes and cereal, just swap the cereal with a cup or two of oatmeal. This will provide you with 6+ grams of fiber. Dice an apple, add a few raises, and sprinkle a little Cinnamon powder for a sensational boost in taste and satisfaction.

2. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Fish
Omega 3 is an integral part of any diet because it can not be produced by the body. Interestingly enough, it is essential to obtain omega 3 because it balances out the other fats and cholesterol. Studies show that in areas like the Mediterranean and Alaska where high levels of omega 3 are ingested, people have higher levels of HDL or good cholesterol and lower triglycerides  (form fat takes after ingested and ready for storage) in their blood. Try to add fish like salmon or mackerel to your diet at least twice a week. Be careful though, some fish such as the catfish contain omega 6 fatty acids, which actually help promote inflammation and heart disease.

3. Nuts, Nuts, and More Nuts
Nuts are rich in polyunsaturated fats. These fats actually replace the saturated fats in the blood which in turn reduces cholesterol. Buying a bulk variety pack of nuts is a good idea because you have a good mix of different nuts. Each nut has a different combination of vitamins and minerals essential to the body. Be warned though, nuts are usually found in packages with high sodium content. You don't want to reduce cholesterol and increase your blood pressure. In addition, the high protein and fat (even though it is mostly good fat) still provides a large amount of calories so over indulging in nuts can increase your weight and cause an overall negative effect on your health.

4. Olive Oil
Olive oil is an amazing substance because it contains a high level of unsaturated fats as well as antioxidants. The most dangerous aspect of high cholesterol is that it breaks down and clogs arteries in the form of plaque. Antioxidants are wonderful because they fight the free radicals that lead to the breakdown of cholesterol into sticky plaque. Without the breakdown process, you are free to lower your cholesterol over time without the risk of plaque build up. This does not mean that drinking a gallon of Olive oil a day will allow you to continue increasing your cholesterol level. As long as you have high cholesterol, you are at risk for plaque build up and a heart attack. Begin switching your regular dressing for olive oil and vinegar for an nutritious and delicious vegetable filled meal.

5. Phytosterols
Phytosterols are compounds found in plants that can be ingested and used in the body. It it thought that phytosterols actually function the same way in humans as they do in plants. Scientists believe that this is the reason why phytosterols actually compete for absorption in the body and push out bad cholesterol. These compounds can be found in any kind of leafy green vegetable, nuts, legumes, and oils.

For more information, on foods to eat to lower cholesterol, visit

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